How To Get Rid Of Silverfish: DIY Tips & Contractor Cost

Find out how to get rid of silverfish with our DIY tips. We also included the cost of hiring a contractor to stop an infestation.

Silverfish may appear dangerous and creepy to most people, but in reality, they are actually harmless to human beings. Unlike other pests, they don’t bite, and neither do they bring diseases to your home. However, if an infestation goes unnoticed for a long time, they can cause significant damage to your property, especially on books and clothing.

Scientifically known as Lepisma saccharina, silverfish are small wingless insects that resemble the shape of a teardrop. They measure about 12-19mm in length and have three sets of appendages known as cerci on each side of their body. The young ones appear white to brown while the adult silverfish has a more distinct blue to a silver color. They also possess two long antennae.

The silverfish moves quickly in a slithering motion. You are likely to find these insects in dark and damp places. They prefer areas or rooms with high humidity such as basements, bathrooms, kitchen, laundry room, and attics. You can also find them in areas around the oven, near hot water pipes, fireplaces, and heating units. These insects can hide in crevices and cracks that are inaccessible making it hard for you to identify or spot them.

Feeding habits

Silverfish feed on anything containing polysaccharides. Their diet mainly consists of starch and dextrin. Polysaccharides are found in anything containing glue and paste so they will feed on glue on books, paper, photos, coffee, sugar, starch, etc.

They also feed on shampoo, cellulose, dead insects, unopened food packages, on clothing such as linens, cotton silk, and on damp paper. Their diet also includes household dust, hair, synthetic fibers, carpet and even leather especially when other sources of food are inadequate.

Reproduction Cycle

Silverfish are known to reproduce quickly, and that’s why controlling an infestation becomes difficult. The female silverfish can produce many eggs in its lifetime. The female lays eggs in groups of about 60 eggs or less at once in small cracks and crevices. The eggs measure about 0.8mm long, which makes it hard for humans to see them. They are oval shaped and whitish. The eggs take approximately two to three weeks to hatch depending on the humidity conditions. They hatch into nymphs which are white and look like the adults only that they are smaller in size.

As the young ones develop, they start acquiring a greyish appearance with a metallic shine. They become adults after three months and keep molting several times even in their adult lives. Silverfish are known to molt almost up to 50 molts throughout their lifetime. They have a lifespan of about two to three years.

Types of Silverfish

There are three different types of silverfish. They include:

Lepisma saccharina – these are the most common species of silverfish you are likely to encounter in your home. They are mostly found in moist areas especially on the lower floors of buildings such as basements and crawl spaces. They have a silver color appearance with metallic scales and are about one inch in length. They will be found in areas that have high humidity. They feed on carbohydrates and protein diet.

Ctenolepisma longicaudata – this species of silverfish is also known as gray fish. They move around the house and prefer areas that are less frequented such as the basement, in the closets, attics and storage rooms.

They have a dull greyish, less of silver appearance and measure about three-quarter of an inch in length. They don’t do well in humid conditions; they prefer hot climates. This species of silverfish feed on plant and animal diet and get their water requirements from what they feed on rather than water.

Ctenollepisma quadriseriata – these species of silverfish are known as the four-lined silverfish. It has tannish gray color with four lines that are made of scales on their back. They measure about half an inch in length. Just like the other species of silverfish, the four-lined silverfish moves around your home and prefers areas with less foot traffic such as the basement, attic, store room, etc.

Silverfish can live up to three years and can go for several weeks without water or even food. They cause significant damages on books and papers in cases where you have a high infestation. They are commonly found in Pacific Island region, North and South America, Australia, Africa and Europe.

Signs of Silverfish Infestation

The first step towards getting rid of silverfish in your home is to identify the signs of infestation. Even though silverfish are not known to be venomous or dangerous, these little insects can cause havoc in your home if left uncontrolled. Besides, sighting them in your home can be unsettling, and it’s definitely the last thing you would want to encounter.

However, silverfish are known to be secretive insects, and it’s possible to have infestation for a long time without noticing it. The fact that they are nocturnal and tend to keep away from dry places and light can make it hard for a homeowner to know that they have an infestation.

Here are the common signs to look out for to identify an infestation or their presence in your home:

Regular Sighting of Silverfish inside Your Home

Having mentioned that silverfish are generally secretive, if you keep sighting them in your home, then there is a problem. Even though spotting just one silverfish might not mean you have an infestation, it still gives you valid reasons to wonder how they got in. Also, keeping in mind how quickly these little bugs reproduce, if you spot one or two, it’s time to start an inspection.


Just like other insects and pests, the best way to identify an infestation is identifying their droppings. The fecal matter of silverfish looks like small black pellets or peppercorns. They are black and sphere-shaped.

Silverfish droppings can be found in common places like in boxes, storage areas, in food bags, around the sinks, in the middle of books and paper, etc. It is essential to make sure you identify the fecal matter since different insects require different extermination methods.

The thing about silverfish is that once they identify a constant source of food, they will nest around. Look for a cluster of droppings and identify the nests especially around the sinks.


One of the best ways to know that you a silverfish infestation is is spotting damages in your possessions that are characteristic of these type of insects. If you find holes in books, papers, wallpaper, cardboard and in storage boxes, then you need to look closely for silverfish infestation. Silverfish are attracted to glue and adhesives that are mostly used in binding books and sticking wallpapers.

If the infestation is severe and these insects have built nests in your home, you will notice some damages. For instance, where they fed on your laundry especially linen and silk. Their diet also includes carbohydrates and starch, and so you might notice that containers with cereals, oats, and other high sugar foods have noticeable damages.

Since silverfish hate noise and disturbance, you can try rearranging your pantry and observe keenly to see if you will spot their movement.

Spotting Yellow Stains

Just like droppings, spotting yellow stains on the surface, bookshelves, and books is another sign of silverfish activity in your home. These stains can be spotted anywhere silverfish have been camping, but in most case, it’s not a sign of urination.

Look closely at your books, papers, wallpapers, clothing and other places where silverfish tend to feed and nest. If you notice yellow stains that you can’t quite figure out the source, then you could be dealing with a silverfish infestation in your home that needs eradication action.

Since silverfish like to hide in dark and moist places; areas that you frequent less often, you might not be able to spot these stains easily. If you suspect you could be having an infestation, you will have to inspect the cramped up areas in your home and in dark storage rooms to be sure that you have been silverfish problem.

Spotting Shed Skin

Silverfish are known to molt all through in their entire lives and lifecycle. The nymphs shed skin into their adult and continue to molt as long as they live. However, the silverfish is a small insect that is hardly an inch long, and the shed skin may go unnoticed for a significant period. In fact, it is possible that these little shed skin may get caught up in other small debris and dirt in your home.

However, if you are already suspecting of an infestation, you will need to look closely and search thoroughly for signs of shed skin especially in your bathroom, basement, and kitchen. Silverfish are more likely to shed their skin near their nests rather than when they are in motion searching for food.

A Closer Look at Cracks and Crevices

From this guide, we have established that silverfish love to hide in small gaps and crevices in your home. They will not burrow into your home, but they will look for small spaces and cracks comfortable enough for settling down, laying eggs and shedding skin.

Therefore, if you notice an increase in the size of holes, gaps, and crevices in your window sills, plaster, skirting boards and other places, then you could be hosting silverfish in your home. This is because, the more they use these gaps and small cracks, they more they wear them down and increase the space making them noticeable. If you are looking for silverfish in your home, run a thorough check in all small gaps and crevices. Open the gaps a little bit to see if you will spot them slithering away.

If you spot any of the above symptoms in your home, you will have a clear answer that you have a silverfish threat in your home that requires immediate action. The good news is that there are several DIY methods of eliminating the problem and where the situation is adverse, you can always call pest control experts to provide a lasting solution.

What Attracts Silverfish To Your Home?

Every insect and bug in your home has something that attracts it to your property and silverfish are not an exception. There are several conditions and things that attract silverfish to your home and make them stay for a long time. For elimination process to be fruitful, you need to identify the main elements that are making your home conducive enough for silverfish to feel comfortable and settle in.

Peace and Tranquility

Silverfish are naturally shy insects that tend to keep away from any human activity. They are nocturnal and are usually most active in the dead of the night when everything is quiet and settled. Since they are small sized, they squeeze in small cracks and crevices and other cramped places around your home where they are less likely to be disturbed. In fact, you may never be aware of these small spaces in your home, and that’s why it might take a long time to realize you are living with silverfish in your home.

If your home has sufficient cracks and spaces on the wall especially in damp areas such as the garage, bathroom, and basement and in the kitchen, you need to be vigilant. If you have storage boxes that have been lying around for years unattended, you could be breeding silverfish right there. They will also be attracted to settle under stored items in the attic where you less frequent.

Dark Places in Your Home

By now you have also learned that not only do these creepy creatures like humid areas, they also shy away from light. They will stay away from hot and bright environments. This is why it’s easier to find them in the dark and dingy areas in your home. They will settle and nest anywhere where there is little or no light at all.

They can comfortably live in quiet and dark areas that have little disturbance from predators, in this case, humans as long as they have a source of food and adequate moisture.

Dirty Places

When not feeding on glue and adhesives, silverfish have been known to feed on other substances such as human hair, dandruff, dead insects and other organic matter. This means that if you have piled dirt and other grimy stuff, you are more likely to attract silverfish in your home.

For example, if you let garbage build up for a longer period and allow accumulation you waste you will attract all sorts of insects including silverfish. Food scraps and crumbs that fall in cracks and crevices attract silverfish to these sites.

These are some of the conditions that might draw silverfish in your home. However, there are cases where silverfish will find their way to your home despite not having the listed attractions. Even something as simple as groceries, gardening supplies, plants and construction materials can draw these little creatures to your home.

How to Get Rid Of Silverfish

As much silverfish are harmless to human beings, the mere thought of these creatures roaming anywhere near your house it’s not a pleasant one. These kind of insects are scary and creepy to look at, and if you spot several in your home, you need to look for ways to eradicate them.

Getting rid of silverfish in your home can prove to be a daunting task. This is because they are quite secretive and can hide in your house for months before you even notice you have an infestation. Unlike most household pests such as cockroaches, flies and many others, these bugs don’t have an obvious sign of infestation. In fact, by the time you realize you have an infestation, it might be too rampant for you to control and get rid of them.

The good news is that there are proven ways that can help you get rid of them. The methods of eradicating silverfish include the use of traps, repellents, and insecticides.

Before you start the process of eliminating them, you need to inspect your home to find out the areas that they might be lurking. This way you be able to know where to set the traps or spray insecticides. Make sure you follow the guidelines on the guide for the signs of infestation to find out the possible spots where they can nest and hide. Make sure you investigate all the cracks and crevices in your home especially in damp and dark places. Inspect your bathroom, basement, attic, around the pipes, behind the oven, behind wallpapers etc.

Use of Traps

Once you are certain that you have silverfish roaming in your house, you can use the trap methods to get rid of them. You can use homemade traps or store-bought traps.

Home-Made Traps

The homemade traps involve the use of glass containers wrapped with masking tape. To set the trap, place a piece of bread inside the jar at the bottom and set the glass container in places where you suspect silverfish have built nests or frequently hide.

Silverfish will be attracted to the piece of bread, and they will climb into the glass jar to eat it. However, since the glass is slippery, they will not be able to get out. For the traps to be effective, set them at night when silverfish creep out to hunt for food.

Use of Newspaper Traps

Take a newspaper and roll it up and tie the ends with an elastic band then moisten it. The newspaper is a source of food for silverfish, and they will feed on it. Make sure you strategically place it in spots where you regularly see silverfish and leave it overnight. They will get trapped inside the newspapers as they feed. Pick up the newspaper and make sure you don’t unroll it and dispose of or burn them. Keep repeating this process every night until you are certain that you have captured all the silverfish in your home.

Purchase the Traps from Stores

You can purchase sticky traps from hardware stores. These are traps designed to attract silverfish and trap them where they get stuck as they try to feed. They are effective, easy to set up and not expensive. A pack of silverfish stick traps with six baited traps costs about $8.99.

Use of Repellants to Control Silverfish Infestation

You can use natural and organic repellants to prevent and control silverfish infestation. Several debates on the effectiveness of the repellants are still ongoing, and some people may not consider these methods as a lasting solution. However if you are not willing to use toxic insecticides and chemicals in your home, these natural repellents can help you keep silverfish threat away.

Here is a list of some of the natural repellents you can use in your home to prevent silverfish infestation.


Silverfish are known not to like the smell of cinnamon. Place several cinnamon sticks in areas that where silverfish lurk. These areas include around bookshelves, in the laundry room, under the cupboards, in bathrooms, under the kitchen sink, and in the attic. You can also use ground cinnamon if you don’t have cinnamon sticks.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil works effectively in repelling silverfish. In a spray bottle mix a teaspoon of lavender oil with a cup of water. Spray in areas that you have spotted silverfish, especially in cracks and crevices, on walls, floors, carpets, in the bathroom, and under the sinks. Make it a routine and spray the oil regularly to ensure the smell stays constant.

Moth Balls

Use of mothballs is also an effective method of keeping silverfish away from your home. You can place them in spots where you sight silverfish regularly especially in old boxes, bookshelves and in your fabric.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a food grade substance in powder form that kills and dehydrates silverfish when they come in contact with it. This substance has no harm to humans and pets making it safe for use in your home.

Sprinkle the diatomaceous earth in areas that silverfish are likely to hide including small h, cracks, along baseboards and any other place where they frequent. For it to be effective, sprinkle at night and vacuum the dust in the morning together with the dead silverfish. To avoid irritating your lungs, make sure you wear a protective dust mask when sprinkling the powder.

Citrus Sprays

Citrus sprays are also effective in repelling silverfish. They can be found in most home improvement stores, and they are non-toxic to humans. Spray in crevices, cracks, and any other areas where you are likely to spot these bugs.

Cedar Shavings

Silverfish hate the smell of cedar. Spread the shavings in all areas of your home especially the spots where silverfish are likely to hide such as in cracks, crevices and dark places. The shavings can be messy so try and place in areas that are out of sight in your home. You can vacuum the shavings or sweep them after a week and reapply fresh ones until all the silverfish are gone.


Use of cucumber slices is another effective method of naturally repelling silverfish. Place the slices in areas that are likely to attract silverfish and leave them till they are dry. Replace them with fresh ones until you stop sighting these insects in your home.

Use Spices

This is another repellant method based on smell. Silverfish hate the smell of spices, and they will keep off from areas with this kind of smell. You can mix different spices such as cloves and cinnamon into small sachets and place them in your cupboards and kitchen cabinets.

The repellents can effectively get rid of silverfish in your property if you are consistence in using them. You can combine several methods for better results. However, all these natural methods need patience, and it can even take months before you manage to keep away silverfish from your home.

It’s also essential to note that the repellants are meant to keep silverfish away from your home, so, if you keep spotting them in your home, it’s time to consider incorporating other elimination methods alongside the repellants.

Use of Insecticides to Get Rid Of Silverfish Infestation

Sometimes, as a homeowner, you might opt to go the chemical way to eradicate silverfish infestation in your home. You should keep in mind that insecticides can be toxic and dangerous around your home and need to be used with caution. If you have pets and livestock, you need to be extra careful on the way you apply insecticides.

Liquid pyrethrin

This is considered as a less toxic chemical since it’s made from pyrethrum plant which is biodegradable. Although no pesticide can be said to totally safe, this particular one is less harsh as compared to other options.

When sprayed, the pyrethrin spray kills silverfish. Spray it in cracks, crevices, along baseboards and any other place where silverfish are active. However, do not spray this chemical in your kitchen cabinets, countertops and other places near food sources. Avoid using it in areas where there are children and pets.

Boric Acid

Boric acid is effective in killing silverfish together with their eggs. Sprinkle it on cracks, under the bathtub, along baseboards and any other areas where silverfish are seen. When applying boric acid wear a protective mask to avoid inhaling it. It can be toxic to your lungs so be extra cautious when sprinkling it. Also, don’t sprinkle it in areas where children and pets hang around.

Residual insecticide

You can resort to residual insecticide if the infestation is severe. Purchase residual insecticide labeled silverfish and spray it around the perimeter wall both outdoor and indoor. Also, make sure you spray along baseboards and other areas where silverfish seem concentrated. Follow the instructions the way they are indicated on the label. Silverfish residual insecticide can cost anywhere from $49.90 to $76.54 depending on brand.

Insecticide Dust

You can use insecticide in the attic insulation, underneath siding, behind the oven, beneath the refrigerator, in cracks, under the storage boxes and around light fixtures and electrical outlets.

The dust is very effective and can last around 6 to 12 months. Use a dust applicator or a hand bellow when applying the dust and make sure you dust in areas that are dry. Protect yourself by wearing a protective mask and gloves during application. Avoid sprinkling in areas around children and pets. Most silverfish insecticide dust cost about $6.24 to$8.21


You can use insecticide baits to get rid of silverfish. The baits are made of substances that attract silverfish and are layered with insecticides. Once silverfish eat the bait, they die. Place them in areas suspected to be hunting grounds for silverfish. Use them cautiously if you have children and pets. Silverfish baits cost about $8.50 to $17.50.


Aerosols can work best in cracks and crevices, on corners, behind baseboards and on any other traveling path used by silverfish. You can buy residual insecticide at an average cost of $10.75 to 14.32.

Ways to Keep Silverfish Out Of Your Home

Silverfish find their way into your home when looking for shelter, food, and comfort. If they settle in your home, they can stay there for a long time even without being noticed. No one really wants their home to be invaded by these creepy looking insects. The only way to keep silverfish away is to make sure nothing attracts them to your home.

Here are tips that will enable you to keep your home safe from silverfish invasion.

Reduce Humidity Levels

Silverfish like living in humid and damp places (75-95 humidity levels). Ensuring that humidity levels in your home are at around 50% would be a good start of keeping these little insects away. You can invest in fans and dehumidifiers to maintain the levels of humidity.

Get rid of stagnant water by fixing any leaky pipes and faucets. Close the shower curtains to allow it to dry out. You can also place packets of silica in areas under cupboards and sinks to remove moisture from the air.

Exercise Proper Sanitation

Clean, mop and vacuum your home regularly. Vacuuming will get rid of their food sources and eggs, so do it at least once a week. Silverfish feed on starch, cereals, human hair, etc. They also feed on paper, books, glue, and clothing. To control their population, eliminate their sources of food by keeping your floors clean. Store foodstuff like cereals in plastic containers with tight-fitting lids and check their expiry date regularly. Also, store cardboard boxes on shelves instead of placing them on the floor where they can get damp with time.

Since silverfish also feed on clothing such as linen and silk, pick up your laundry regularly and select your rugs cautiously to ensure its not made of fabric that attracts them. If you have any old boxes and items especially clothing that you don’t you use anymore, dispose of or organize for a garage sale. This way you will clear unnecessary junk and remain with a clutter-free home.

Repair Wall Paper or Remove It

One of the things that attract silverfish is the glue that is used to put up wallpaper. If you notice that the corners of your wallpaper are coming off or peeling off, you should reattach it or cut it off. If it’s old, you can replace it altogether which is a more effective way of fixing the problem. If you notice your home is prone to silverfish threat, you can consider painting instead of wallpapers to do away with the problem.

Light up Your Home and Regulate Heat

Silverfish shy away from light and do not like heat. They survive well in temperatures of about 70 to 80°F. To keep them away, you can maintain the infested area or room with high temperatures of above 80°F or make it cooler to about 60°F. Light up rooms where they tend to live such as the basement and the attic to keep them away or force them out.

Fix and Cover Any Point

Caulk all cracks and crevices on walls and floors. These are the entry points that silverfish use to gain access to your home. They use these holes to hide, nest and lay eggs, so make sure you inspect your home thoroughly especially the dark rooms such as the basement, bathroom, and attic and in the kitchen. In addition, you can apply caulk along baseboards to seal any existing gaps.

Cost of Hiring a Silverfish Exterminator

If you have tried getting rid of silverfish and all the DIY methods haven’t yielded much you should consider hiring a silverfish exterminator. In some cases, the infestation might be too severe for you to handle it on your own.

Maybe you got an infestation that grew slowly without your knowledge, or you moved into a new house that has a heavy infestation. Whichever the case, if you feel the situation is out of control, getting an expert’s input on how to get rid of the infestation will be the right move.

Keeping in mind that silverfish are extremely secretive insects that go for a long period without food, it’s possible that you might be harboring an infestation without even knowing it. If you are not sure about the magnitude of the infestation, an exterminator will be able to know what you are dealing with.

Once you ascertain that you have a severe threat of silverfish in your home, an action is required. As mentioned earlier in this guide, getting rid of silverfish from your home it’s not an easy task. They can hide really well in small cracks and crevices. You will require patience and proper inspection to eliminate this kind of a problem.

The average cost of hiring a silverfish exterminator ranges from $108 to $268, which depends on the level of infestation. If you have a severe infestation, don’t shy away from hiring an exterminator. If left uncontrolled, these insects can cause damages to your valuables. They are also creepy, and no one would wish to live in a home infested with silverfish.

Once an exterminator assesses the magnitude of the infestation, they will decide if a one-time extermination exercise is enough. In case the situation is dire, you might have to hire the exterminator on contract basis and schedule treatment. In such a scenario, the exterminator will charge you monthly charges and in some cases they can schedule for quarterly and annual visits.

It might be worthy to schedule for regular visits if you live in an area where you are prone to having silverfish in your property. This means you will spend more on the exercise, but then, you will be able to keep silverfish threat away permanently.

VisitsDescriptionAverage costs
One time visitsCosts are higher than the other visits. Includes assessment, finding the hiding and nesting spots of silverfish, identifying entry points, applying treatment and control methods$300-$550
Initial visitsIncludes assessment, looking for the nests and finding the entry points, scheduling for periodic visits, and recommending treatment plan$180-$185
Periodic visits Monthly visits
Semi-monthly visits

Quarterly visits

Some factors that can influence the cost of extermination process include the size of your home and the level of silverfish infestation. For example, the cost indicated in the chart above caters for a typical home of 1500 square foot. If your home is bigger than 1500 square feet, you will have to pay more for the additional square footage. Most exterminators charge an average of $25 for the additional 1000 square feet. For larger infestation, the cost will depend on the treatment plan, the extent of the damage and the duration of the extermination project.

Hiring the Right Silverfish Exterminator

If you decide to hire an exterminator, it is important to research the company to find out about their services and methods of extermination. It’s crucial to make sure that you hire the right extermination company to avoid cases where you have to deal with a re-infestation again few months after treatment.

What Will The Exterminator Do?

  • Inspect your home to determine infested areas, and assess the level of infestation
  • Identify the nests and hiding spots
  • Identify entry points and seal them
  • Roll out the right treatment plan depending on the level of infestation
  • Set baits and traps and regularly check and replace them
  • Recommend preventive measures that will ensure that the infestation does not recur

Benefits of Hiring a Silverfish Exterminator

Hiring a silverfish exterminator can be beneficial to you as a homeowner. If the DIY methods seem not be working as you expect, or the infestation keeps recurring, you might benefit a lot by hiring an exterminator. Sometimes an infestation needs professional assessments and treatments to eradicate it altogether.

Here are benefits of hiring a silverfish exterminator:


You might have done lots of research on silverfish infestation and how to get rid of them, but you may never match a trained exterminator. A professional exterminator has spent years studying the behaviors of most household pests and is more knowledgeable on how to handle an infestation. They know where to look for their nests and hiding spots, and they will perform an inspection in the shortest period.

Depending on the level of silverfish infestation, the exterminator will know the methods that will work and the number of treatments that will eliminate the problem. They are equipped with right tools and skills to get of silverfish in your home in a fraction of the time.

Less Use of Chemicals

Sometimes DIY methods can be frustrating, and you might end up resorting to chemical treatments when not necessary. Since you are not an expert, you might overestimate the situation and use more chemicals than required, resulting in over-usage of toxic substances on your property.

A professional exterminator will examine the situation and recommend the best form of treatment. They will only use pesticides as a last resort and apply them in the right quantiles. A big percentage of homeowners are likely to misuse and misapply insecticides as compared to professional exterminators who know the right ratios to use.

Still on the use of chemicals, if you hire a professional exterminator, you will be at less risk of chemical hazards. Most people tend to think that over the counter pesticides are less toxic than the commercial ones, but that’s not the case.

Most professional exterminators will at first use environmentally friendly solutions to eradicate the situation unless the situation it’s dire.

Minimize Harm

Since professional exterminators are trained on how to use pest control methods and handle chemicals effectively, they will take the necessary precautions to ensure that your home is safe and free of toxins. They will get rid of silverfish in a shorter period and eliminate the infestation. This way there will be no damages to your valuables anymore.

Peace of Mind

Silverfish are not so pleasant to look at, and most people have an inherent fear of these creatures. Even if they don’t bite you, you will feel safer knowing that they have been eliminated from your home. Hiring an exterminator will guarantee you complete eradication in the shortest time possible and you can focus more on preventive measures.

You Will Be Informed

A professional exterminator will not only get rid of silverfish from your home, but they will also educate you on preventive measures. They will give vital information on how to ensure that you do not get a re-infestation in the future.

What to Consider When Hiring a Silverfish Exterminator

When you finally decide to hire a professional silverfish exterminator, it is critical that you hire the right person. Before hiring, research about the company to learn about their services and extermination methods. Are they cautious about the environment? Contact interviews and ask all the relevant questions before you commit to hiring. Keep the following consideration in mind when hiring:

Ensure That They Are Insured and Licensed

Professional pest control and exterminators are required to be licensed and insured. Ask to see the license and ascertain that it’s current. Insurance is also equally important. These people will be working on your property, and they will be probably be handling toxic chemicals. Insurance will protect your property from damages and also exempt you from any liabilities in case of accidents.


If you are going to pay someone to eradicate silverfish infestation from your home, you need to trust their capability. The only way to find out if they are reliable and effective is by talking to the references. You can also learn more about the extermination company from the Better Business Bureau if you have no personal referrals.


Before hiring it’s always vital to get several quotes from different companies outlining their process of extermination. This way you will be able to know the average cost of the whole process. Sometimes the lowest price may land you a raw deal where you are left with the same problem a few months down the line. Always go for quality and research to know the price estimates for the service.

Have a signed contract

If the process will be an ongoing service, it’s important to have a contract that states the frequency of visits and accurate dates. The contract should also outline the services to be provided and control methods and costs. Read the contract carefully to ensure that all the services discussed are indicated.

Discuss the control methods

The professional should discuss with you in detail the methods they will use to get rid of silverfish in your property. If they plan to use chemicals, they should tell you about the effects. They should also provide you with the labels and discuss with you other non-chemical options.


Silverfish have been known be to around for almost 400 million years, and they adapt to harsh climates and environments better. They can live secretly in your home for a long time without being noticed and grow into threatening infestation. In fact, they are known to survive for long periods of time without food which means, unlike other pests, you might not see them around hunting for food.

However, as much they look dangerous and creepy, they are not known to bite humans, and they are not venomous. They are considered to be more of a nuisance. However, if there is a big infestation, they can cause damages to your possessions especially on books and stored boxes.

Once you identify their existence in your, you should find ways of getting rid of them as soon as possible. There are many ways of eliminating which include traps, baits, and pesticides. You can use other effective natural methods of repelling them. Lastly, maintain a clutter-free home with minimal or no moisture.

Let us know what you think of the information provided in this article.