How to Get Rid Of Skunks and Skunk Smell: DIY Tips & Contractor Cost

Find out how to get rid of skunks and skunk smells either by resorting do DIY methods or by hiring a contractor to do the job. Free contractor quotes included.

Nothing is upsetting as the hideous smell of a skunk in your home. Skunks are nothing fun as betrayed in the cartoons. They can actually be a real nuisance in real life. Not only do they leave an awful odor around you but they are also known to kill chickens and ducks, eat eggs and chicks, and dig holes all over your yard. They are dangerous as they carry and transmit various diseases such as rabies.

Most people have an inherent fear of skunks and for a good reason. These animals have anal scents glands that are usually filled with an awful smelling liquid. When threatened or feeling trapped, skunks release this liquid and spray it to anything near it. It would be okay if these critters only spayed the liquid and left it at that. But the bad news is that the horrible smell will linger around for days, and in some cases, it can even go for weeks before it dissipates. Sometimes you will catch a whiff of the disgusting smell especially if the area lacks a good ventilation system or it’s damp or wet.

The Appearance of a Skunk

Skunk is classified as an animal originating from the weasel family. They exist in various species which vary in body size, color patterns, and fur. The North American skunks have a black and white body and are normally born with a white strip over their body. They also vary in size, but most them are about 15.5 inches to 38 inches in length. They weigh an average weight of about 1.1 lb while some species can weigh as much as 18 lbs. They have short legs that appear masculine and extra-long front claws.

Habitat and Behavior

Skunks are not social animals, and you will find them by themselves most of the time. They prefer a solitary life and only come together to mate. During the cold season or in regions that are usually cold, skunks will come together solely for warmth. In such a case, they will share a den mostly inside the ground.

They are capable of digging burrows and dens with their extra-long claws where they stay during the cold weather. Skunks also use tree hollows, brush piles or hollowed out logs as dens. They can also use other animal burrow’s that have been abandoned, and if they lack an alternative, they will occasionally burrow their dens. As long they have food and water, skunks can generally adapt and thrive in different habitats.

Skunks do not hibernate, but during the cold season, they will stay inactive in their burrows and dens. The males stay by themselves while the females come together for warmth. They are also known to move frequently foraging for food during the warm season. Once they establish dens and a constant source of food and water, they will settle down and will rarely move. Skunks are known to be nocturnal, and so, they are most active at night. They also have a poor vision but have an excellent sense of smell and hearing.


As mentioned above, the only other time that skunks come together is during the mating season. Even though they have a number of mates in a reproductive season, they only reproduce during the spring season. The male mate with several females, and are described as polygamous. The gestation period for a female skunk is for about 66 to 70 days.

Before a female skunk gives birth, it will burrow a den where she will give birth to about 1 to 7 litters. They give birth in late April all through to early June. At about two to three weeks when the kits can open their eyes, they are weaned from their mother. However, they will stay under their mother’s protection till about one year when they are ready to mate. The mothers are very aggressive when it comes to the young ones. The male skunks are not usually involved in bringing up the young ones, and they will rarely be found hanging around the kits.

Skunk’s Diet

Skunks are known to be omnivorous. This means that they can feed on plants and animals. Their diet changes with seasons to fit whatever is available. But generally, skunks are known to feed on insects, earthworms, larvae, and grubs. They can also feed on small rodents, lizards, frogs, snakes, and salamanders.

In addition, skunks also feed on several plants, grasses, leaves, roots, nuts, and fungi. If you are living in a suburban home, you will find them feeding on the garbage and foraging for left-over food for both humans and pets.

Dangers of Having Skunks in Your Home

Skunks are generally despised by a majority of people majorly because of their awful smell. However, this is not the only reason why you should stay away from skunks. Skunks present several dangers to humans and p, enough to keep them away from you, your loved ones and your property. Here are dangers associated with skunks and reasons why you should keep them away from your home.

The Skunk’s Smell

As mentioned above, one of the reasons why most people stay away from skunks is their horrible smelling spray. Skunks spray an awful smelling liquid when they feel threatened by a predator, in this case, you. If you step into a room or into an area where the skunk is nearby, it will get startled and perceive you as a predator. In a bid to deter you from getting close to it, it will spray the horrible smelling liquid on you.

Skunks normally have two anal glands on each side of the anus. These two glands are the ones responsible for producing the awful, unbearable smell. The liquid contains Sulphur and smells like burning chemical and rotten eggs.

The stench is so bad and repelling such that no one wants to be near it even the skunk themselves. In fact, it is believed that the liquid can be harmful to humans and pets. If sprayed directly into a dog’s eyes, it can cause temporary blindness. The spray can also make dogs vomit and diarrhea, and if the situation is not handled quickly, it can lead to death. Additionally, the liquid is also known to give dogs some toxic reaction which can lead to anemia. However, this is a very rare occurrence, and it can only happen if you have large burrow full skunks in your yard.

A skunk can spray their smelly liquid for almost 10 feet away or even more. It can spray more than one shot. In fact, it can spray as many as eight shots of spray in one incidence. They do this consciously and actually have control over the amount of spray to use in a single shot. The smell is so bad and strong and it can linger around for weeks. This horrible smell can repel any animal. If you have skunks in your home, the culprits of this pungent liquid are your pets, especially dogs.

Skunks Can Transmit Diseases

Skunks are capable transmitting various diseases to humans and pets. In fact, skunks are believed to be the second most animals as infected host animals after the bats in the U.S. A report by CDC showed that there were 1588 cases of rabies reported in 2014 of which most of them involved skunks at 26.3% of wildlife rabies infections in the United States. If you get bitten by a skunk, it’s critical that you get tested for rabies and start treatment as soon as possible.

More so, if your pets, especially dogs happen to get sprayed by a skunk, the chances are that they were also bitten in the process. If your dog comes back to you smelling like a skunk spray, you should take your time and look for bites from the skunk. It’s worth noting that even a small bite can result in infection especially rabies.

Therefore, if you suspect a skunk has bitten your dog, it’s important to take it in for treatment as soon as possible to prevent the infection from getting worse and unmanageable. Otherwise, if you have a dog, it’s always advised that you have it vaccinated against rabies to protect it from animals that are prone to be a host of virus such skunks.

Rabies is not actually the only disease that you are likely to catch from skunks. Skunks also transmit Tularemia, a disease that manifests itself in three to five days after a bite, a scratch or contact with a skunk’s feces or urine. Tularemia symptoms include sepsis, loss of appetite, and fever.

Another condition that you are likely to get from skunks especially from their feces is Leptospirosis. Symptoms include a severe headache, fever and muscle pains. An extreme infection can even result in liver damage, kidney failure, and meningitis.

If your pets and domestic animals come in contact with skunk’s feces and urine, they are likely to contract canine distemper. Your animals will show symptoms such as diarrhea, inflammation of the eyes, fever, and vomiting. You should also note that skunks carry parasites that are likely to be transmitted to your domesticated animals and pests. They can easily transmit roundworms and ringworms to your pets and domesticated animals if they come in contact with skunk’s urine and feces. They also host fleas, lice, ticks which can pose a danger to your household including your pets and domesticated animals.

If you have skunks on your property, they will leave a significant amount of droppings. Skunks feces and urine can be the start of various fatal diseases some of which are airborne. More so, the feces can still harbor infectious parasites days after they were deposited. It’s essential to be careful when handling skunk’s droppings. You should be wearing protective gear when disposing of the droppings. You should also make sure you dispose of the skunk’s feces appropriately.

Property Damage

Skunks can dig burrows and dens in your lawn and garden and cause damages to your plants. It can be frustrating to keep finding holes dug in your beautifully mowed lawn. Skunks feed on grubs and worms, and they to will dig below the surface of your lawn to access their source of food. In the process, they will create unsightly holes in your garden and bring down your beautifully mowed lawn.

Signs That You Have Skunks in Your Home and Property

The first step to identifying a skunk problem in your property is to identify signs that show their presence in your home. Identifying their presence is an essential step that will help you plan elimination and removal strategies. Skunks are usually active at night which might make it impossible for you to catch them in action. However, this should not discourage from trying to locate them and their dens. Here are signs that will guide you to know if you have skunks living in your property.

The Infamous Smell of Skunk

One of the things that make a skunk stand out from the rest of the animals and rodents it’s their horrible smell. Even if a skunk is a distance away from your home, you will still be able to catch a whiff of the nasty smell albeit faintly. Even if the skunks are not spraying their famous sulfur loaded smell, if it’s living in your compound, it will still leave the areas it frequents, tainted with this pungent odor.

If you keep smelling the rotten eggs smell all of sudden in your home, and the smell does not seem to go away especially in your garden or yard, it’s possible that there are skunks nearby. The smell should be a cue for you to start looking for other signs of skunk’s presence in your property.

Holes in Your Garden or Lawn

This is one the most obvious telltale signs of skunks in your home. Skunks are natural burrowers, and they dig the surface to get worms and grubs and feed on them. However, skunks are known to be shallow in their digging unlike other animals such as raccoons and dogs. Usually, they will dig small circular cone-shaped holes of about 3 to 5 inches in diameter.

They will dug many of these types of holes across your lawn. As result of the digging activity, the ground will appear tilled in a specific spot. Since they dig to get grubs and worms, skunks look for the softer part of the soil to dig in the garden. As a result, you might start noticing uprooted or broken plants. If you spot perfectly circular holes in your garden, look carefully to see if you will see footprints that resemble those of a cat but with five toes in the piled up loose soil.

Pulled and Rolled Sod

If your lawn has undergone considerable sod damage due to grub activity, skunks may not dig up the ground; instead, they will roll the grass like a carpet as they search for grubs. Skunks normally avoid digging the ground, and if they find loose sod, they will prefer rolling and pulling.

If the pulling and rolling of sod keep happening in your lawn, and you also you notice the small holes as described earlier, the possible culprit here is skunks. In fact, if the skunks keep upturning sod in your lawn for a long time, the grass will be weakened and damaged, and you may have to start planning for a replacement.

Your Dogs Keep Barking

Generally, dogs will bark at strangers, but if they suddenly start barking at night, you need to investigate the cause of the barking. If you have noticed other signs that indicate the presence of skunks, and then the barking, then your suspicions could be right. As mentioned earlier in the guide, skunks are nocturnal, which means they are usually active at night and this will make the dogs to bark at them.

If the skunks are up and hunting for food at night, your dogs will bark at them even if they are on the other side of the fence or just passing nearby. If the skunks are somewhere near your home, it’s possible that they might end up on your property very soon. If you have a dog, the consistent barking at night should be an alert of skunks in your home or nearby.

Skunk’s Droppings

If you notice holes that are characteristic to skunk’s digging habits, look for droppings near these holes or dens. Skunk’s droppings resemble those of a domestic cat, and they will mostly consist of the things they feed on such as seeds, insect skeletons and food from garbage. The striped skunk’s droppings are usually about a ½ inch in diameter, and about 2 to 4 inches in length with rounded ends. For the spotted skunk, the droppings are almost similar to the ones for striped skunk only that they are smaller in size.

Scratching Sounds inside Your Home

If skunks are living in your home, you might start hearing scratching sounds of scrambling feet in your attic, inside your walls or in your den. These are the places where skunks are likely to hide if they are inside your home. If you have been experiencing the bad odor associated with skunks and then these scratching sounds, then it’s likely that these critters have found their way inside your home.

What Attracts Skunks To Your Home?

If you start seeing skunks wandering in your yard, you might start asking yourself what is attracting them to your home. It’s essential to know the kind of environment that appeals to skunk so that you can control and avoid an infestation.

Here are some of the reasons why skunks are attracted to your home and yard.

Accessible Source of Food

Skunks diet will depend on the season and what is available and accessible to them. Mostly, their diet consists of grubs, earthworms, and insects. When searching for food, skunks will dig several holes in your yard to get access to their source of food under the surface.

In most cases, skunks will go after grubs. Grubs are usually the larvae of a majority of the bugs in your garden or yard living under the surface. They feed on the roots of your plants and grass. If you happen to have an infestation of grubs in your yard, then this will be the main reason why skunks are attracted to your yard.

Skunks, being omnivorous animals, they will also feed on nuts, leaves, and berries. If you have any of these plants in your garden and you suspect that there are skunks in your home, then the plants could be their source of food. In addition, skunks can be found in garbage areas trying to look for food. They are known to be attracted to pet food. If you leave garbage lying around uncovered for a long period, you are likely to attract skunks and other pests to your home.

Safe Shelter

The most common places where skunks are likely to build their dens are under the decks, patios, and sheds. Such spots are safe from predators, and skunks will burrow under these places and comfortably build their dens. They use the dens to shelter, and you might find more than one skunk during winter in one den. The female skunks will burrow the dens in spring to have their kits. After the cold weather, the skunks will come out of their dens to look for food.

It’s possible for skunks to have several dens in your home as long as the conditions are favorable. If your deck has accessible space below it, skunks will use this site to burrow their dens. If you notice high skunk activity and traffic to the mentioned spots, then it’s possible that the skunks already have built up their dens in your home.

Where to Find Skunks Inside Your Home

  • In crawl places
  • Under the concrete slabs
  • Under your deck
  • Under the Patios or porch
  • Under your shed
  • Dens

How to Get Rid Of Skunks

Skunks can be very problematic if they invade your home. Not only will they leave a horrible smell behind, but they will also dig unsightly holes in your garden and burrow under your home. As a result of their digging activities, they can cause damage to your structures such the decks, and damage wires. They can also transmit diseases and infections such as rabies to you and your pets. Their droppings and urine also carry parasites that could cause fatal infections to you and your domesticated animals. For this reasons, it essential to get rid of skunks if they invade your home to protect yourself and your domesticated animals including pets.

Get Rid Of the Source of the Food and Shelter

As mentioned earlier in the guide, skunks are omnivores and more so, scavengers meaning they can basically feed on anything they find nutritious. The first step towards getting rid of skunks is to eliminate their source of food. One of the reasons why skunks may camp in your home is an abundant source of food.

If you have trees that are a source of natural food that attracts skunks such as crabapples, nuts, berries and any other type of fruits, you should make sure you clean them up from the ground frequently.

Additionally, avoid keeping a pile of grass or leaves clippings in your yard or garden. Make sure you collect them up and discard them. Such vegetation may contain a source of food for the skunks such as seeds. Also, avoid having ripe fruits falling on the ground. You should harvest them immediately you notice they are ripe before skunks notice them. If you have a bird feeder, you try placing a tray under it to collect the seeds dropped by the birds and always make sure you clean the area more often.

If you have an insect infestation in your garden, you need to eliminate that first. Skunks will stay in your yard or garden and dig holes to feed on the insects. If the insects are in plenty, you will have a hard time getting rid of skunks from your yard or garden. In fact, they will be coming back after you remove them.

If you have a rodent infestation, you need to take care of that as well. Remember, skunks can feed on small rodents. They can be the reason why the skunks are in your home and not in a hurry to leave.

Empty Your Waste and Cover the Garbage Bins

Skunks are scavengers, and they can feed on garbage as their source of food. It’s essential to empty your trash cans often and always to keep them sealed properly. You need to make sure that the skunks won’t access the trash bins at night by keeping them away in a safe place such as the garage. Sometimes the smell of trash can attract skunks and other rodents to the trash. Keeping them away at night can help with the process of getting rid of the skunks.

In addition to using sealed trash bins, you can make use enclosed compost bins. Skunks like to feed on composting fruits, vegetable peels, and any other organic matter. The enclosed compost bins will deny them access to anything inside the bin.

Get Rid Of the Hiding Places

Skunks can hide in various places in your home which include under your house, under your deck and the shed. During the cold season, skunks will seek for shelter in the dens for warmth. The female ones will also seek shelter for their little ones around April or May.

Getting Rid Of Skunks Under Your House

Skunks can burrow and live under your house. To get rid of skunks living under your house, you need to use traps to capture them as they leave their dens. In case skunks have kits which can leave the dens by themselves, you can consider using exclusion method to remove them. However, if the kits are way too young and still under the protection of their mother, you should contact removal services for assistance with that.

Once you manage to remove all the skunks living under your house, you should seal up all the entry points. You can then proceed with a clean up to remove the skunk’s odor.

Getting Rid Of the Skunks Under Your Deck

Decks and porches are some of the places that are likely to attract skunks. They have a big and high space underneath, and several entrances for skunks which makes the removal process easy and also challenging.

The best approach to use to remove skunks under your deck or porch, is the exclusion method. This involves sealing up all the entry points and fencing all the borders but remain with only one entry point. If you are putting barriers under the deck, make sure it goes past one foot below the ground to prevent skunks from burrowing.

If the females have kits that are too young to move from the dens, then you should hire a professional to remove them. If there are no kits under the deck, you can now place the traps close to the only remaining exit. You will be able to capture the skunks as they leave the dens to go forage for food outside. Once you have removed all the skunks living under your deck or porch, you can now seal the remaining entry point.

Getting Rid Of the Skunks Under the Shed

Sheds, unlike decks, have lower spaces that make it difficult for you to see what’s underneath them. It might be challenging for you to check if there are kits under the shed. If not sure if there are kits under your shed, you can call a professional skunk removal services just to be on the safe side.

Place barriers around the shed and make sure they go beyond one foot to the ground to prevent skunks from burrowing. Seal all entry points and remain with just one where you will set the traps. You can also use a repellant to keep skunks from coming back inside. Once you are sure that all the skunks have been captured, you can seal the remaining exit.

Keeping Skunks Out Of Your Garden or Yard

Once you have managed to get rid of skunks from your structures, there might still be some lurking in your garden or your yard. Since at this point you have sealed all the entry points to your house and any other structure, you can proceed with the following methods of removal.

Light Up Your Yard

Because skunks are nocturnal animals, they tend to detest lights. They will stay away from lit areas. Lighting up your yard at night is an effective way to keep the skunks away. Lights will make the yard less attractive to skunks. However, it’s worth noting that lights may also attract other insects such crickets, but if you are trying to get rid of skunks its worth to try them.

To avoid incurring high electrical bills, you can try installing energy saving lights or using solar. This is because, for the lights to be effective, you have to leave them on the whole night and this may end up increasing your electricity bills. Alternatively, you make use of motion sensors such that the lights only shine when a skunk enters your yard. Floodlights will cost you about $30 to $60.

Use Motion Activated Sprinklers

This is another natural method that is effective in keeping skunks and other animals away from your yard and property. The sprinklers automatically turn on when a skunk or any other animal gets close to them, and the experience scares them off.

For the sprinklers to be effective, you should place them in locations where skunks are likely to shelter or source for food. Motion automated sprinkler costs about $60 to $80 or more depending on the brand.

Use Repellents

Skunks are known to have a strong sense of smell and use it to seek out food. Using repellents is a one the effective methods of keeping the skunks away from your home. Place the repellents all around the edges of your garden or yard and in locations where skunks are spending most their time, e.g., under the deck. You can use chemical repellents or natural ones.

Here are some of the effective repellents you can use to repel and keep to skunks away from your home.

Predator Urine: Repellents with Dog or Fox Urine: Fox and dogs are skunk’s predators, and naturally, skunks will try as much as possible to stay away from them. You can purchase repellents products containing any these urine from the hardware store. Spray the dog or fox urine repellent around the perimeter of your home and yard. Fox urine repellent costs about $24 .98 for a bottle of 16oz.

Pepper spray: This one also repels skunks and other animals such squirrels away from your yard. Spray it in locations where you suspect skunks to be sheltering or frequent often. Also, spray the pepper spray on trees and around the perimeter of your yard and home. You can purchase pepper spray at the cost of about $ 6.99 to 12.99 depending on the brand.

Ammonia: This is another natural skunk repellent that works effectively. Soak old rags or cotton balls in ammonia and place them around your yard, under the porch and deck to repel skunks. If you use this method, make sure you replace the rags and cotton balls frequently. This is because ammonia evaporates and if you do not replace the rags by soaking them in ammonia again, the skunks will come back.

Mothballs: this method is effective in keeping skunks and other animals away from your yard. Mothballs contain Paradichlorobenzene which is classified as a pesticide. In some states, it’s illegal to use mothballs to get rid of skunks and other animals, so make sure you find if your state approves of its use.

If you have skunks living under your deck or porch, you can place mothballs inside to repel them. Make sure you place mothballs in a strategic place where your pets cannot reach them. You can purchase mothballs (a box of 14oz) at the cost of $11.30

Citrus peels: citrus smell acts as a natural repellent. Skunks and some other animals do like the smell of citrus. Spread orange, or lemon peels around your yard or garden, under your shed, porch, and deck. Make sure you replace the citrus peels often.

Use Live Traps

Use of traps to remove skunks is one the most effective removal method. It is advised that you use humane traps that will not kill the skunks. When purchasing a trap, make sure you get one that is specifically designed for trapping skunks.

You can purchase an odorless trap and protect yourself against the nasty skunk smell. The spray-proof trap also protects you from scratches and spray from the skunk once it’s trapped inside. The odorless trap cost about $55. Or, you can use a plastic enclosed trap which protects you from the skunks’ spray and also protects the skunk. The enclosed plastic trap will cost about $82.

When using the traps, place baits inside the trap and far away from the entrance to ensure that the skunk gets inside trying to access the bait. You can use peanut butter, pet food, or any strong-smelling food that will attract the skunks inside the traps.

After baiting the traps, place them near the skunk’s den or on skunks’ tracks or entry point that they use to access your home. Once you capture the skunk, release it to the woods. Make sure that you wear protective clothing and put on gloves. As you release the trapped skunk, position your face away from the trap door and let the skunk walk out.

Places to set up skunk traps include:

  • Underneath structure such as decks
  • Porches
  • Tree hollows
  • Burrows
  • Hollow logs
  • Brush Piles

Place your traps on an even surface to ensure that they are stable. Skunks are active at night, so, set the traps in the evening. You can also purchase baits to use in the traps from the hardware stores. The baits are usually loaded with attractants that appeal to skunks. Bait’s prices vary depending on the brand, but the cost ranges from $5 to $8.

Fencing You Property

Fencing your property excludes it from skunks. Skunks rarely climb on anything, and that’s why fencing your home is an effective method of preventing skunks from getting inside your property. When fencing, make sure the fence extends below the ground about one or two feet. Skunks can burrow their way in, so make sure the fencing is done right.

In addition, make sure that your fence is about four feet above the ground. If there are openings in your home, use wire mesh to seal them.

How to Get Rid of Skunk’s smell

After removing skunks from your home, you are likely to be left with the horrible smell of skunk’s spray. A skunk might have sprayed your dog or other pets leaving them with the nasty odor. There are many myths out there on how to get rid of skunk smell some of which do not work. This guide will give methods that will help you get rid of skunk’s smell in your home.

Wash Animals and Sprayed Clothes

If a cat or dog gets sprayed by a skunk, or, you get sprayed, the first thing you should do is wash the animals and the clothes. The faster you wash everything that has been in contact with the skunk’s skunk’s spray the better. The longer the odor stays on anyone or anything, the harder it becomes to get rid of it. If the smell doesn’t come off from the clothes after washing them, you should consider discarding them.

You can use the normal laundry detergent to clean clothes. Take a shower immediately you come in contact with the smell and bathe your pets or other animals that have been sprayed on by a skunk using vinegar and water solution. Make sure you use de-skunking solution as you bathe the animals.

Use White Vinegar or Hydrogen Peroxide

Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide have been proved to be effective methods of getting rid of skunk’s smell.

Follow the following steps to make the mixture.

  1. 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, or 1-quart white vinegar
  2. ¼ cup of baking soda
  3. Liquid detergent- 1 teaspoon

Mix the above ingredients in a bucket or container. Use it immediately to de-skunk your home. The mixture is safe to be used on pets, people, furniture, and clothing. After you are done de-skunking, dilute the leftover of the mixture with lots of water and then pour it down the drain. You can also boil vinegar in a pan and allow the smell of vinegar to linger in your house. It will absorb the skunk’s smell and leave your home smelling fresh afterward.

Use Commercial Sprays

You can get rid of skunk’s smell by using spray products. They deodorize and neutralize the skunk’s smell and also get rid of the awful smell. You can purchase Skunk-off liquid spray from Amazon at the cost of $23. The sprays can be used on furniture, fabrics, and on pets as well.

Clean Outdoor Structures with Bleach Solution

If the outdoor structures have been affected by skunk’s smell, you can clean the areas using a bleach solution. Mix 10% of bleach with 90% water and use the mixture to clean up the structures. Bleach is toxic, and it should not be used on animals or people. Also, do not use this mixture on colored clothes and furniture.

Skunks smell is one of the hardest smell to get rid of especially if sprayed inside the house. The solutions described above work but you need to be patient and consistent with the solutions and cleaning. The smell might not disappear with your first attempt, but after several applications together with a cleanup routine, the smell will eventually dissipate completely.

Removal methodsQuantityAverage cost
Predator urineFox urine- bottle of 16oz$28.98
Pepper spray $6.99-$12.99
Mothballs a box of 14oz$11.30
Live TrapsOdorless traps
Plastic covered traps
Baits $5-$8
Yard floodlights$30-$60
Skunk-off liquid$23
Professional skunk removal services$125-$375

Professional Skunk Removal Services

If you have skunks on your property and you are unsure about the removal process or the skunks have kits that cannot move by themselves, you should consider hiring a professional skunk remover. If the skunk appears aggressive, it might be a case of rabies and dealing with such a situation might be too dangerous for you.

Skunks like to shelter under deck or porches. Such places can pose a challenge during the removal process. Professional skunk remover charges vary depending on various factors such as the size of the den, entry points, the number of skunks, and also the type of skunk. Sometimes, the dens might be in a tricky location that requires time to maneuver inside.

Most professional skunk remover charge about $125 to $375 with the average cost being $250. The cost can be lower or higher depending on the complexity of the removal process. The removal services will set live traps, seal entry points, remove and relocate the trapped skunk, install steel exclusion barriers and clean up your home and de-skunk it.

When hiring a skunk removal company, make sure it’s licensed, bonded and insured. Most states have rules and regulation on animal removal services. You need to make sure that the removal company you hire is qualified to handle skunks responsibly and relocate them safely.

Why You Should Consider Hiring Professional Skunk Removal Services

Skunk removal can be a tricky process, especially if you are not sure if the dens have young ones. In other cases, you might not know where the skunk’s shelters are in your home or where they have put up the dens. Such reasons and many others may necessitate you to hire a professional skunk removal company to help you get rid of these critters from your home.

Here are some of the reasons why you should hire professional services for removal of skunks from your home.

Skunks Can Be Dangerous

Generally, skunks are known to be calm, and they will shy away from you unless they feel threatened and trapped. But, these animals are still wild animals, and they can turn out to be dangerous with slight provocation. They are known to produce a nasty spray that is hard to get rid of. If they feel threatened, they can bite and scratch you.

Skunks are also known to carry diseases such as rabies, and they can easily infect you if you do not know how to handle their removal. If you feel you cannot handle the removal all by yourself, its best to hire a professional and be safe. Professional skunk removal personnel have been trained on how to deal with skunks and other animals. They will remove them safely and relocate them as required.

Complete Removal

When it comes to skunk removal, you might not be able to know the reason why skunks keep appearing on your property. A professional skunk remover will know where to look for possible entry points, and they will be able to pinpoint the reason why you are having a recurring skunk problem. They will employ effective measures to prevent any future invasions by skunks.

Professional Clean-Up

We discussed earlier the dangers of skunk’s feces and urine. After the removal, your home needs to be cleaned up, deodorized, disinfected and neutralized. A professional skunk remover will come equipped with the right ingredients and equipment to clean up your home and de-skunk it. They will carry out the clean-up process safely, quickly and thoroughly.

If you are unsure about skunk removal methods, take your time and search for a qualified skunk removal professional services. They will get rid of the skunks from your home and prevent future attacks. They will also locate the skunk’s entry points and seal them. They will then remove the skunks using humane methods and relocate them safely.


Dealing with skunks in your home can be frustrating. The smell of skunks in your home or on your pet can be nauseating and unsettling. More so, these critters are capable of transmitting diseases such rabies, leptospirosis and many others. In case they bit your pets especially dogs they risk getting infected with distemper. Skunks feces and urine harbor parasites which can easily be transmitted to your domesticated animals.

For this reasons, it’s important to remove skunks from your home to be safe and also free yourself from the repugnant smell of their spray. Start by sealing all the entry points and fencing the perimeter of your home. In addition, seal trash bags and keep the ground clear of fruits and any other source of food that may attract skunks to your yard. You can opt to use repellents such as ammonia, pepper spray, and predator urine to scare off the skunks. Alternatively, you can set live traps to capture the skunks and then relocate them into the woods.

If you are not sure about safe removal of skunks, you can hire a professional skunk removal company to handle the skunk’s problem for you. If you notice circular holes all over your yard, and your dog’s start to bark at night or you start experiencing the infamous rotten egg smell of skunk’s spray, then you could be having skunks in your property. You can get rid of skunks by trying the DIY methods outlined in this guide, or you can contact skunk removal services.

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